The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. ~ Michael Altshuler Be “The bad

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
Michael Altshuler
“The bad news is time flies…The good news is you’re the pilot” – Michael Altshuler
There are very few constants in our lives and time is one of them. We cannot stop it, control it or harness it. We can capture moments in time by archiving our thoughts with the written word, photos and video – we can reflect on those times and reminisce, but the reality is when that time passes it’s gone.
The ‘good news is’ that you are indeed the pilot – so take control of your life, your decisions – pick up the phone, make a call and tell a friend, client or love one – how important they are to you! – Cliff Quicksell
Have an inspired day on purpose.